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军事形势在不断变化, and forces are under immense pressure to arm and train their soldiers with the most advanced weaponry. 毫无疑问, it would be wrong to send troops to war without first providing them with the best technology and ensuring they have complete confidence in their ability to use it effectively. 

Stefan Slycke, 星际网赌导航地面作战业务部门的技术销售支持负责人, argues that confidence is about the belief that you as a soldier can act decisively in any situation.

即使你缺乏信息, 是否有压力或睡眠不足, 你需要有信心,你可以处理这种情况.
Stefan Slycke, 星际网赌导航地面作战业务部门的技术销售支持负责人

“即使你缺乏信息, 是否有压力或睡眠不足, 你需要有信心,你可以处理这种情况,他说. “And having weapon systems you can rely on gives the soldier the confidence needed on the battlefield.”

Armies can be split into two closely related categories: the individual soldier and the force as a whole. 虽然这些群体有许多相同的需求和目标, 这里有一些细微的差别需要考虑.



Soldiers are human beings under immense pressure to perform in the most extreme circumstances.

想象一下你在前线. 敌人正在逼近. 爆炸声在四周响起. 你拿起武器开始攻击, 但是它很重, 装填装置也很笨拙, causing you to lose valuable seconds and give your opponent the upper hand. 这种情况是不能容忍的.

军队已经有很多东西要搬了, 所以他们想要灵活的系统, 重量轻,易于操作. Of course, on the battlefield, they also need weaponry that packs a punch.

斯莱克认为,经过70多年的发展 carl - gustaf® 在步兵部队中赢得了最受欢迎的位置.

他说:“它完全具有机动性,经过实战验证。. “这让士兵们安心,因为他们受到了保护, allowing them to focus on the mission rather than worry about whether their weapon will perform.”

下马部队是独一无二的暴露和, 酒吧撤退, they have previously lacked any sort of viable tactic when up against tanks and other armoured vehicles. 令人高兴的是,像 下一代轻型反坦克武器(NLAW) 给士兵一种化守为攻的方法.

使用预测视线引导, the NLAW can target a tank’s weakest points with devastating effect and its soft-launch capability is effective even in confined spaces.


将军, high-ranking officers and those who need to have a wider perspective echo the demands of the individual, 还有一些额外的实际问题. They want equipment that requires minimal training and balances effectiveness, cost and ease of use.

进入 AT4. 市场上最成功的反装甲武器家族之一, the AT4 is a disposable launcher that allows a single soldier to destroy armoured vehicles with ease.

斯莱克说,AT4之所以受欢迎,是因为它的重量轻, 低成本和简单性, adding: “Officers know that they can quickly arm entire squads with enough firepower to take out buildings.

“此外, 整个AT4系列使用相同的接口, 所以一旦一个士兵熟悉了一个成员, 这些技能可以很容易地转移到其他人身上.”

Balancing the differing needs of the individual solider and the force as a whole is not easy, 斯莱克说, 但他坚持认为,这对确保战斗胜利至关重要.

“我们面临的挑战是建立强大的解决方案, 可移植的, 性价比高,使用方便,他说. “Only by delivering in all these areas can we be sure that armies have the capability to achieve their objectives, 士兵们有信心执行他们的任务.”



在极端条件下作战, 被危险包围, 还有那么多可能出错的事情, 士兵应该能够在需要的时候依靠他们的装备. 同样, forces must be assured that their troops can confidently discharge their weapons correctly in the harshest conditions and through the roughest terrains.

Our goal is to build tools that help soldiers complete missions as safely and effectively as possible, 确保他们知道自己拥有成功所需的一切.