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RBS15 Gungnir


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Modern warfare is changing at a rapid pace and forces can no longer make do with missile systems that might struggle to face up to tomorrow’s threats. 为了解决这个问题, 星际网赌导航已经实施了动手设计, development and support process to provide clients with a truly future-proof missile system – the RBS15 Gungnir.


由Saab和Diehl Defence联合开发的Gungnir是该项目的最新成员 RBS15家庭,使用RBS15 Mk4导弹. Designed to dominate any environment, the Mk4 can operate effectively in littorals and blue waters. 它也可以从陆地,海上和空中平台发射-提供卓越的多功能性.

The solution combines vast experience with the latest innovations and can handle all modern naval challenges, 比如杂乱和恶劣的天气. 冈尼尔是一种威力无比的尖端武器. 但不可否认的是,该产品真正的卖点是其面向未来的能力.


“总是很难预测即将发生的事情, but the best suppliers should deliver systems which consider what forces might need in the medium to long-term, by offering flexible solutions that can incorporate enhanced capabilities later down the line,Björn Bengtsson说, 他是Saab公司的业务管理总监.

本特松先生, 他之前在瑞典海军服役了15年, is no stranger to the ever-evolving challenges faced by forces – and he believes that the best missile systems need to be innovative from the point of inception, 以及易于升级,以适应硬件和软件的变化步伐.


“Many years ago, you bought a system and its capabilities were utterly defined by its hardware. 这意味着, 如果硬件在导弹的使用寿命中途过时, 你能做的事情很少. 在最好的情况下, 您可以做一些技术上的事情来提高性能, 它可能会在10到15年内保持半现代化, 在总使用寿命为20至30年之后逐步淘汰.

"Saab is working tirelessly to engineer future-proof missile solutions using the latest technology."
Björn Bengtsson,业务管理总监

简而言之,定期更换人员对部队的成功和灵活性至关重要. 但是今天, 现在情况已经不同了, as Saab is working tirelessly to engineer future-proof missile solutions using the latest technology.”

米格尔Svensson, 他是星际网赌导航公司的业务管理总监, 他说,公司正在通过综合研究克服现代挑战, 与客户紧密合作.

“用RBS15 Gungnir, we have used the most advanced hardware available to create a product we believe has unrivalled capacity for future growth,他说.

“The technological and architectural design allows for hardware and software upgrades which don’t even exist yet. 这实际上意味着,星际网赌导航必须在今天就预测明天的挑战.”

"The technological and architectural design allows for hardware and software upgrades which don’t even exist yet."


沿海冲突的性质在不断变化, as are the security situations across numerous countries and the potential threats faced by tomorrow’s forces.

“如果我们将15年前的情况与今天进行比较, 全球前景正迅速从不对称冲突转向对称威胁,斯文森表示.

“When you are suddenly faced with this kind of conflict – involving an equally matched or more capable opponent – you need the very best systems in order to succeed. Many forces are overly reliant on GPS or other technologies when symmetric opponents could be using jamming techniques just like yours, 并且有能力对抗最新的防御创新. This is why you need robust and reliable weapons at hand if all else fails; to provide effective defence through deterrence.”

Gungnir的创新特点包括射程超过300公里, 加强防御渗透和电子防护. It also has an all-weather target seeker – allowing operators to tackle progressive threats in complex environments.


Saab has been handpicked by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration to deliver RBS15 Gungnir as an integrated capability to the Swedish Defence Forces.


Integrated product teams and other collaborative groups consisting of specialists from the armed forces and industry have worked alongside Saab to help shape the company’s state-of-the-art missile solution into something fit to take on whatever the future might hold.

“每一步, the customer has been close to the action and involved in the entire design and development process,斯文森表示.

“We wanted the customer to get involved with Gungnir from day one and give us an inside take on the anticipated combat challenges of the future,本特松补充道.

“The product has been built on two strict sets of requirements – one from our customer and the other from in-house, 结合了星际网赌导航自己的创新理念和愿景.”

星际网赌导航的做法帮助该公司准确定位了未来的威胁, 预见兼容性问题,并找到克服当代设计障碍的方法. Gungnir的开发对该集团来说是一次改变游戏规则的经历, 但这款产品的本质意味着,更令人兴奋的挑战还在前面.


斯文森, 谁有广泛的工程背景, notes that Saab is facing an iconic challenge met by all the best innovators in any field – that of developing advanced technological systems which will integrate well with both existing and currently unknown technology.

“It’s in Saab’s DNA to ensure that customers get an efficient system which isn’t limited to what’s contained in its factory hardware,他说, 这是我们面临的最大挑战.”

为了确保Gungnir的技术不会过时, 我们将在整个产品所有权期间与用户并肩工作. 我们的理念是保持不断发展和创新的过程, with us providing regular updates and training opportunities while customers consistently relay their feedback and ideas for new capabilities.”



用RBS15 Gungnir, 星际网赌导航已经创造了一种适合未来和未来的先进导弹解决方案, 由出色的维护支持提供支持.

“购买Gungnir的客户不仅得到了一枚导弹, 他们正在让会员加入一个全面的支持网络,Bengtsson先生说.

“作为顾客, they will have an opportunity to participate in the continual growth and evolution of Gungnir. It’s entirely up to them – they can embrace this experience to the fullest or just sit back and enjoy the ride while benefiting from a world-leading missile system, 以及星际网赌导航对创新的承诺和无与伦比的支持.”




RBS15 Mk3在国防界被称为世界领先的反舰导弹. 携带200公斤弹头, 它可以从包括卡车在内的多个平台发射, 飞机和船舶, 它允许在所有天气条件下进行真正的发射即忘作战. 但是你对RBS15有多了解呢? 下面的事实可能会让你大吃一惊.

RBS15 Gungnir


沿海环境是崎岖不平的地形, 这会带来许多危险——比如坐月子, 杂乱和恶劣天气. 再加上最近的科技进步, and it is clear we are facing ever-evolving and increasingly complex conflict scenarios in these environments. 部队必须适应,否则就会失去宝贵的人员和资产. 
