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6 min read + Video

增强装甲战车的态势感知能力,使乘员和乘客有更好的生存机会,并完成他们的任务. 战术电子解决方案可以发挥关键作用.

让你自己站在战场上一名即将离开装甲运兵车(APC)的士兵的立场上. 当后门打开的时候, 你需要花费关键的几秒钟来调查和了解周围的环境,然后选择前进的方向. The longer you’re in the open, the longer you’re exposed to potential enemy fire.


Now, imagine the same situation in an APC fitted with external cameras and internal video displays. 车停了下来, 你已经在屏幕上看到了清晰的地形图像, 周围的建筑和, 潜在的, 地面上的任何敌方战斗人员. 当门打开时, 你已经很清楚自己的方向了, 大大减少你暴露在敌人火力下的时间.  


长期以来,全面态势感知一直是装甲军用车辆机组人员和乘客面临的挑战. 为了制造坦克, armoured personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles impervious to attack, the crew’s ability to see around them is traded for heavy armour. 在保持顶部舱门打开不安全的情况下, 坦克乘员, 例如, 一般必须依靠潜望镜, vision blocks and weapon sights to gain a sense of their surroundings. 结果就是盲点, tunnel vision and a disconnect between vehicle occupants and the world around them. 正如最近的冲突所证明的那样, 包括乌克兰战争, this opens tanks up to short-range attacks from dismounted troops firing anti-armour ammunition. 在APC或步兵战车的情况下, it deprives troops of a full understanding of what to expect when they jump out to face the enemy. 


增强装甲车态势感知的战术电子系统在拯救生命和提高冲突期间任务成功率方面具有巨大潜力. 它们还可以减少在和平时期行动中由盲点造成的意外伤亡,特别是在车辆后部. 
一个关键的例子是 星际网赌导航的战术电子设备 产品范围.




星际网赌导航战车的态势感知能力包括提供车辆周围环境实时信息的先进传感器. 这些能力使船员能够探测, 跟踪和有效打击目标,同时保持对潜在威胁及其周围环境的意识.

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投资组合包括三个主要重点领域. Video distribution systems equip vehicles with the cameras needed to capture images of the world around them; computer solutions provide displays for use inside vehicles and potential integration with other systems; finally, 网络安全解决方案确保收集和分发的数据不会被敌人捕获或破坏.   


一个典型的应用可能是改装主战坦克,配备摄像头和显示屏,以改变乘员的态势感知水平. While some next-generation tanks have begun to incorporate cameras as standard equipment, a significant number of tanks currently in operation lack this capability. 安装了一个有线以太网网络,使外部摄像头收集的信息能够安全地、近乎即时地传输到车内的屏幕上. A split screen capability allows multiple cameras to be viewed simultaneously if desired, 并根据客户的需求, integration with battle management systems can also be carried out. Components are bolt-on and do not require additional suspension. 充分了解他们附近的任何威胁,可以使机组人员将注意力集中在更远的地方,并更具战略性地思考.


A key benefit for 坦克乘员 of such a system is enhanced driving visibility. Saab’s solution has an industry-leading low latency or delay on the video feed. 100毫秒的延迟是普遍同意的限制,在这个限制下,feed中的延迟变得明显, while 80 milliseconds is the maximum latency for a feed used for driving. 在网络内打包和拆包数据包的先进技术意味着Saab系统的延迟低于50毫秒. 这消除了许多司机在视觉输入与身体感觉不一致时所经历的恶心. Long wavelength infrared camera sensors enable both night and day driving, with merging of infrared and visual spectrum possible for enhanced daytime awareness.


驾驶员视觉增强能力包括先进的技术和系统,可在各种情况下提高军事人员的视觉和作战效率. A Saab system enables the driver to safely and effectively operate their vehicle in the terrain, especially during limited light conditions and combat situations.

Low latency; Low latency video distribution capability is a crucial part for driving aid capabilities, 这需要实时的沟通和互动, 为用户提供无缝和响应的观看体验,并避免在使用系统时恶心. 星际网赌导航还拥有通过无线连接为自动驾驶汽车提供快速视频传输的能力. 

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Another key benefit is reducing the risk of blue-on-blue casualties, 无论是战时还是和平时期. 即使舰长舱门是开着的, 坦克有很多盲点, particularly towards the rear of the vehicle and close to the ground. It’s also a common problem in a range of other armoured fighting vehicles. 摄像头可以消除这些盲点, letting drivers see human beings and other obstacles on all sides. 当挪威武装部队的大部分车辆配备了我们的视觉增强系统时,星际网赌导航解决方案的有效性得到了证明.


军用车载摄像机和显示器需要坚固耐用,以便在最极端的环境条件下使用,包括振动, shock, 湿度和温度. More than 340 vehicles in the Norwegian Armed Forces are equipped with our vision enhancement system. Sergeant Chris Mikkelsen from the Norwegian Army is one of its users.

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An enhanced situational awareness capability is highly desirable, 但如果它干扰了其他关键的车辆系统,就不行了. 的一个重要特征 星际网赌导航的战术电子解决方案 is their extremely low levels of emitted electromagnetic radiation. 这意味着机组人员可以安全地在屏幕上观看视频,而不必担心它是否会影响到他们.g. 通信系统性能. 例如, 一个站在舱口的坦克指挥官可以期望他所有的通讯渠道都能完美地运作, even when an internal screen is located close to the tank’s antennas and the hatch opening.


加固也很关键. 一个不能应对履带式车辆或战场上的恶劣条件的系统不仅是无用的, 它将生命置于危险之中. Saab’s solutions are fully ruggedised and resistant to vibration, 湿度, dirt, 以及极端的高温和低温. 组件的设计理解了它们将在整个生命过程中承受的惩罚. 减少设备故障的风险, internal wires and cooling fans are not used inside components. And rather than using the capacitive (human touch) technology found in civilian touch screens, the displays in Saab systems rely on more reliable resistive technology. 这意味着它们可以通过手套或笔进行操作, 这在极端寒冷的条件下是至关重要的.


How can giving armoured vehicles better situational awareness save lives?

Tanks and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) are powerful fighting vehicles, 可以承受最恶劣的战场条件. But their strength comes at a price: visibility from such platforms can be relatively poor, 特别是在战斗中,当他们的顶部舱门关闭时.