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他们生产尖端技术, like their work environment and enjoy the supportive and friendly atmosphere among the employees. Meet three Saab employees who all contribute in their individual ways to Saab’s advanced underwater vehicle Sabertooth.

卡米拉 Brindmark, a 54-year-old assembler at Saab leans back in the seat of the local bus. The 25-minute trip to Saab’s factory site just outside central Linköping is a perfect time to close your eyes and save up some extra energy before work starts for the day.

在咖啡机旁, 卡米拉见到了同事艾玛·可怜虫, 28, 谁从公寓骑车去上班, 以及领队安德烈亚斯 Lindgren, 40, 谁刚和他的三个儿子在家里吃完早餐回来.

在这特别的一天, 他们三个有很多话要谈——不仅仅是关于今天的任务. 其中一个话题是前一天艾玛的足球比赛. Her team Tjust IF won the derby against Västervik and Emma, a midfielder in the team, is overjoyed.


“我的生活中有很多足球. 有时是午餐时的培训,有时是工作前的培训,艾玛说。, who worked with assembly at Saab for two years and who now coaches new employees on their way to join her growing team.

关系密切的三人组在公司中扮演着不同的角色, but what unites them is that they are all part of the division that produces Sabertooth, 星际网赌导航公司先进的自主水下航行器(AUV).



自从剑齿虎在15年前推出以来, 无数的水下任务和调查,深达3,在世界各地的海床上进行了1000米的研究. 多亏了剑齿虎, a research team managed to find British explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship “耐力” after 107 years at the bottom of the sea.

The shipwreck of 耐力, located on a depth of more than 3000 metres in Antarctica. 图片来源:福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托基金

“能参与打造如此先进的产品真是太棒了,卡米拉说。, 谁六年前来到星际网赌导航,现在谁开始承担更多的责任, 比如成为新员工的导师.
安德烈亚斯, who is a team leader in production technology and contributes to the production process flowing smoothly and without interruption, 同意他同事的观点: 

“当你看到Sabertooth能为我们的客户做什么时,你会印象深刻. 这是我职业生涯迄今为止做过的最酷的事情。”
安德烈亚斯 Lindgren,生产技术组长

现在, the employees at Saab 水下系统 in Linköping are working hard on a giant order for the marine geophysics company PXGEO, 订购了20多辆剑齿虎战车的公司. PXGEO use Saab’s AUVs for deployment and retrieval of seismic nodes on the seabed on behalf of PXGEO's customers in the energy industry.


生产环境中Emma, 卡米拉和安德烈亚斯与PXGEO合作的秩序是高科技和充满活力的. 在一个部门, around ten employees stand at workbenches covered with large bundles of cables and detailed electronic components.

“我们从头开始建造整辆车. In my team, we are working on the lid of Sabertooth, which is the brain of the vehicle. 我们焊接和固定触点,组装硬件和编程软件。”

在另一个部门,一只半成品的剑齿虎放在手推车上. 在这里,组件被组装成成品. There are also lots of computers and equipment here to test that the system in each vehicle is working as it should.

“当我们完成了生产阶段的测试, we drive the vehicle to a tank hall in the area where we continue testing in an underwater environment. We do final tests for real operation under water at our test site in Motala,” says 安德烈亚斯.


Each of the three had a mixed career background before they applied to Saab 水下系统. Emma previously worked in production at another unit within Saab and was tipped off about the job at 水下系统 by 卡米拉, 她以前就认识他,他在那里工作了几年.

卡米拉 herself had worked for many years as a firefighter but found that the irregular working hours in that profession had a toll on her family life.

“我有一个朋友一直对星际网赌导航评价很高,所以我申请了这里的工作. During the interview I got to walk around the work environments and was immediately hooked on the pleasant and accommodating staff and the vehicles cool technology,她说。.

安德烈亚斯 had previously worked as a painter at Saab Aeronautics but left during the global financial crisis. He was working in medical technology when he received a call from an employee at Saab who wondered if 安德烈亚斯 was interested in a job within the growing 水下系统 division. 他说:“我感到很兴奋,非常适合我。.



安德烈亚斯, 卡米拉 and Emma are also very positive about the development opportunities that have opened up during their time at the company. After only two years as a assembler, Emma now coaches new employees to enter the profession.

“一开始我没有经验, but I have learned a lot from training courses and other things that have allowed me to take on more and more responsibility. I have even had the privilege of going to 澳大利亚 and inspecting one of our underwater vehicles in operation,”
Emma Wretman,装配员

安德烈亚斯 has also been on a journey within the company since he started as a production technician.

“我担任了一个团队领导的角色,感觉很有趣. 现在我正在上领导力课程,以进一步提高我的领导能力. 在星际网赌导航,你可以很好地成长和发展。.


一天的工作结束了,该回家了. 艾玛去练足球了, 而安德烈亚斯则想在给儿子们做饭之前先玩几个小时的游戏. 

卡米拉, 他的孩子都长大了,住在城外, 穿上跑鞋在森林里锻炼一小时.

“我喜欢锻炼,尤其是骑自行车和跑步. I’ve done a Swedish classic and raced the Marcialongaloppet (Italy’s version of the Swedish cross-country skiing race Vasaloppet). Physical activities are my way of clearing my brain from work, from drawings, cables and electronics. 这是在生活中获得良好平衡的完美方式,”她说.