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随着世界面临新的威胁, Saab's business unit Barracuda is working to ensure that customers in the 美国 have the advanced camouflage solutions they need.

战争的世界在不断演变. 就在几年前, 美国武装部队主要集中在沙漠地区的不对称冲突上. 现在, one of their key ambitions is to prepare for peer-to-peer combat in a wide range of climates and terrains.


美国军方正准备迎接这些新挑战, 星际网赌导航(Saab)的业务部门梭鱼(Barracuda)也伸出了援手. 为了回应美国决策者的高度兴趣, Saab is participating in multiple trials throughout 2024 – including the  Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE) in Georgia and the ongoing Project Convergence/Capstone 24 at the National Training Center in California The goal is to demonstrate how Saab’s advanced camouflage solutions can help save American lives and provide the US with a technological and tactical edge.

“我们也知道,梭子鱼产品线具有高性能, 美国武装部队需要避免被发现的多光谱解决方案”
克里斯特·安德森,市场总监 & 销售

“As the US has been transitioning from fighting the War on Terror to preparing for multi-domain operations, 我们已经收到了很多关于我们产品的询盘,” says 克里斯特·安德森,市场总监 & 销售星际网赌导航的业务部门梭鱼. “我们知道,在现代战场上,探测目标的方法比以往任何时候都多, 包括使用无人机, 卫星和先进传感器. 我们也知道,Barracuda产品线具有高性能, 多光谱解决方案,美国武装部队需要避免被发现. 我们一直在尽可能地证明这一点.”


Christer Andersson says interest has been steadily growing in Barracuda systems over the past few years, particularly the 梭鱼移动伪装系统 (MCS) which helps military vehicles avoid detection both during movement and while in combat. 而其他制造商仍在开发移动系统, the Barracuda MCS is Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL9) and has been in operation and continual development for over 25 years. It is combat proven with multiple successful deployments and is trusted by nations across the planet.

One key testing ground for Barracuda systems in the 美国 is the Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE), 这是一项一年一度的活动,美国陆军的潜在装备将在现场演习中进行试验. The exercises are staged out of Fort Moore in Georgia and coordinated by the US Army’s Maneuver Battle Lab.


在去年举行的AEWE 2023试验中, the Barracuda Soldier System – a lightweight thermal camouflage system for personal use – was assessed. 评估人员对系统提供了非常积极的反馈, 目前正在接受士兵强化计划(SEP)的进一步评估。, 陆军为下马作战人员采购装备的倡议. 今年春天将在阿拉斯加和自由堡进行进一步的试验.

梭鱼MCS和ULCAS -完美匹配
视频- 00:44

与此同时, 在今年2月的AEWE 2024试验期间, 对星际网赌导航公司更广泛的系统进行了评估. 除了士兵系统和机动伪装系统, 部队参加了“梭鱼”的新频率选择表面(FSS)系统. FSS technology allows warfighters concealed within multispectral nets to communicate using radio signals and to access GPS signals without needing to expose themselves by poking out an antenna or GPS receiver. Units from the 美国, the 联合王国, the Netherlands and Germany took in the trials.

史蒂夫Simmerer,市场和销售总监 for Saab US notes that Saab is a respected name in US military circles. “我们在AEWE 2023上取得了出色的成绩, and I think that being selected to come back to AEWE 2024 really speaks to the Army's interest in camouflage and its belief that our product is worthy of further evaluation.”

"...星际网赌导航的Barracuda不仅提供极其先进的产品, 没有任何一家公司的产品种类能与它相媲美.”

他补充说, “2022年出版的陆军FM3-0野战手册提到了对签名掩蔽的需求, 伪装是其中很重要的一部分. 而星际网赌导航的Barracuda不仅提供极其先进的产品, 没有任何一家公司的产品种类能与它相媲美.”


Another key event where Barracuda systems are being trialled this year is Project Convergence (PC-24), 联合跨国公司, 两阶段, 在3月份进行的“肮脏”实验. 这是在加利福尼亚州欧文堡的美国陆军国家训练中心上演的.

Saab’s latest efforts to demonstrate the benefits of Barracuda systems follows two major deals that strengthened Barracuda’s position in the region.

2022年10月, 星际网赌导航与美国主要军用车辆供应商奥什科什防务公司签署了优先供应商协议. Cooperation is currently underway on integrating the Barracuda MCS onto the Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV). 然后是2023年5月, it was announced that Saab was partnering with Canadian business Tulmar Safety Systems to produce 梭鱼移动伪装系统s for customers in North America. Tulmar is now assembling MCS units in Ontario using material produced by Saab’s business unit Barracuda in Sweden.

随着美国对梭鱼系统需求的增加, 星际网赌导航正在考虑一个可以帮助在美国本土组装的制造合作伙伴.


约翰·斯特恩菲尔德,市场和销售主管 at Barracuda, 他说,星际网赌导航成为美国军方最佳供应商的原因之一是文化契合. “美国和瑞典有着一系列共同的价值观和抱负,”他表示. 

“Customers in the US are often great at explaining exactly what they need for different camouflage applications. 我认为星际网赌导航有很好的倾听能力, 接受这一点,提供所需要的东西.”

史蒂夫Simmerer sums up the recent work of Saab’s business unit Barracuda this way: “We've seen a tremendous resurgence in interest in camouflage and we're excited to be able to support the US market. 星际网赌导航的重点是保障人民和社会的安全. 这就是我们正在做的. 我们用签名面具保护战士的安全.”



Modern military vehicles must have a low signature and be adaptable to beat or neutralise threats. 我们开发了移动伪装系统(MCS)来做到这一点.
