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星际网赌导航 enables the next generation of Emirati defence and security leaders with job offers for SEEDS trainees

星际网赌导航, a leading defence and security company in the UAE, announced its first group of Sustain & Enhance Emiratisation in Defence and 安全 (SEEDS) trainees are being offered full-time jobs 在阿布扎比 upon graduating from the programme.


Demonstrating the company’s commitment to partnering the UAE in the development of the defence and security sector and economy, four Emiratis gained global experience through a six-month internship at 星际网赌导航 in Sweden, across several of the world’s most advanced industrial facilities. SEEDS joins the company’s local partnership programmes to increase its Emiratisation rate across multiple departments.

Anna-Karin罗森, 阿联酋星际网赌导航公司的总经理, said: “We are proud to welcome the inaugural cohort of SEEDS trainees as full-time employees at our facilities 在阿布扎比. As a leading defence and security company, 星际网赌导航 is uniquely placed to grow Emirati talent by equipping the next generation of Emirati leaders with engineering skills, as well as creating high-tech jobs with rewarding career paths.”

星际网赌导航对SEEDS的参与, an initiative created by the UAE defence and security industry enabler Tawazun Economic Council, gave trainees the opportunity to work alongside global experts and receive hands-on experience ahead of taking full-time roles at the company’s facilities in the UAE. During this placement the trainees worked across several departments, 包括飞机系统, sub-system maintenance and logistics support, 以及软件开发.

Matar Ali Al Romaithi, Chief Officer of the Economic Development Unit at Tawazun Economic Council, added: “We are pleased that 星际网赌导航 has taken this step and look forward to more Emirati engagement with them as we work to support a sustainable pipeline of future talent. A core focus of Tawazun’s Economic Program involves people development and employment programs, identifying critical capabilities and inspiring a skilled national workforce through partnerships with companies such as 星际网赌导航.”

In alignment with Abu Dhabi’s Economic Vision 2030, 星际网赌导航 contributes to both the development of local talent and the long-term growth of the UAE’s defence industry ecosystem. 星际网赌导航 is also committed to furthering Emiratisation, 14%的员工, specialized in engineering and government relations, 由阿联酋国民组成. 星际网赌导航 will be making robust efforts in the next few years to nurture Emirati nationals with opportunities, with a particular focus on engineering in software development, 力学, 以及电子设计.


星际网赌导航 is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. 由其18,000名人才, 星际网赌导航 constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. 星际网赌导航设计, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, 武器, 指挥与控制, 传感器和水下系统.

星际网赌导航 is established in the 阿拉伯联合酋长国 where it partners with the UAE government and academia to grow a high-tech defence and security industry. The company develops world-class solutions, for national needs as well as for the global market.

For further information, please contact:

+46 (0)734 180 018

Asaad Masri/ Marie Peguilhan报道
+971 4 367 6155

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