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In recent years, dependence on subsea infrastructure has increased on a global scale. 海底电缆一直备受关注, 哪些对全球经济和通信至关重要. Seabed warfare therefore involves a major risk of sabotage to subsea infrastructure. Many countries are investing in their own deep-water capacity to respond to current and future threats, 被称为“海底战争”.

In the spring of 2022, 法国 for instance presented a new 海底战争 Strategy. This sought to expand the French Navy's ability to anticipate and take action at depths of up to 6000 metres using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). According to the study ‘Global Undersea Warfare Systems Market Analysis 2021-2031’, the remotely operated and autonomous system segment is likely to demonstrate the highest growth rate over the next ten years or so.

Experts anticipate that military operations designed to protect critical infrastructure on seabeds will have similar requirements to those of the commercial sector. Remotely operated underwater systems are generally used for payload transportation, 观察, 监测, 和扫雷. This increase is also due to rising demand for stealth seabed warfare systems and the growing use of AUVs for deep sea warfare. 根据同一项研究, market groups will most likely also be affected by the increased acquisition and operation costs of attack submarines and the operational complexity associated with unmanned underwater systems. 



Subsea operations face a wide range of challenges that call for vehicles with multi-role capacities and cutting-edge technology. 这激发了星际网赌导航创造“剑齿虎”的灵感。, 将军事技术与星际网赌导航商用ROV/AUV技术相结合. 具有深水能力, 长偏移范围, 先进的AUV功能和六个自由度, 剑齿虎是星际网赌导航在行动中开拓精神的完美例子.

剑齿虎 is a very powerful but lightweight inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) platform. 车辆被安置在对接单元,在那里它的电池可以充电. This unit allows data to be uploaded to the surface and new instructions to be downloaded. 它的体积小, tether-free operation and manoeuvrability ensure easy and safe access inside and around complex structures. This makes it ideal for offshore survey work and autonomous IMR of subsea installations and tunnels. 剑齿虎可以自主游到对接单元并在那里24/7呆在那里, 当使用海底的“车库”时, 长达六个月无需维护, 消除水面舰艇的成本. This deep-water hovering hybrid AUV/ROV benefits from 360° manoeuvrability with six degrees of freedom, 传感器和辅助设备接口. 它还采用了先进的自动驾驶功能.


打击水雷- MuMNS

Another relevant area is operations in a coastal environment conducted from unmanned platforms, 比如监视风力发电场或扫雷. With its ultramodern detection and mine clearing system MuMNS (Multi-Shot Mine Neutralisation System), Saab is playing a role in the Franco-British Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) programme in partnership with Thales. MuMNS的设计目的是识别和消除地雷.

它从一艘母船(LCS)操作。, the data/images from the ROV’s sensor are displayed to the operator on the multifunctional console, 详细的数据/视频可以被检索,以便发布任务. 在未来, this system will be operated from surface vessels without a Royal Navy or French Navy crew. The Saab MuMNS system delivers a new generation of mine neutralisation and immunisation in a powerful, modular system based on proven Saab technology and mine countermeasures (MCM) solutions. It delivers unparalleled operational capability with greater flexibility that significantly improves operational tempo, 并降低MCM操作成本和人员风险. 车辆从它的支援船远程发射和驾驶, 自动或手动, 以四节航速到达指定航路点. 然后利用机载声纳和摄像机重新定位目标, 飞行员手动控制对目标的最终接近.



Saab’s Sea Wasp represents a significant improvement in underwater operations against IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and similar threats. 由小型排爆/简易爆炸装置小组(两人)操作, the system can easily be configured to meet the specific requirements of any mission. Transportable over land, Sea Wasp can be deployed from harbour walls or the beach. It can also be fitted to surface support vessels and has the flexibility to be loaded into multiple types of boat. The Sea Wasp is piloted using a control console or from a vehicle on dock, via a fibre-optic tether.

The vehicle’s exceptional manoeuvrability allows the operator to work in confined conditions and difficult environments. The ROV's sensor and navigation suite is primarily designed to locate targets that may have been placed on a ship's hull, 海港墙或海底. The Sea Wasp uses a range of tools and techniques to identify the nature of the threat and the best way to eliminate it. 当准备好了, the operator uses Sea Wasp’s powerful thrusters to lock it into position on a ship’s hull or harbour wall. 采用五功能机械手, 一个工具箱可以放置在目标旁边, 准备引爆. The Sea Wasp is returned to the surface for retrieval and the target is neutralised.

Recently, the Netherlands became the first European country in NATO to opt for Saab’s Sea Wasp. The complex subsea environment is not limited to combating improvised explosive devices (IEDs): other government agencies such as the coastguard, 海关, the police or rescue services are also seeing an increasing need to perform safe and effective underwater operations in similar environments. 虽然这些不同机构的业务概况可能有所不同, 他们对海底容量的基本需求保持不变. 海黄蜂可用于广泛的民用和军事行动, 为用户带来了许多好处. 由于它的体积小,占地面积小, 它的机动性, 而且它的重量相对较轻, Saab的“Sea Wasp”海底系统设计完美,可以应对任何挑战.



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